Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sustainability & Energy Independence

Sustainability & Energy Independence

For the benefit of mankind, in order to maintain the quality of life and preserve the tranquility of world population. Water resources must be preserved to sustain humanity. We should utilize solar and or other source of renewable energy to operate desalinization projects from the oceans. As world population increases the scarcity of water will become a cause for conflict, unless we take steps now to develop other sources of water for drinking, rainwater harvesting and gray-water utilization.
To preserve the future generations sustainability, we should look into urban farming – vertical farming. The term "urban farming" may conjure up a community garden where locals grow a few heads of lettuce. But some academics envision something quite different for the increasingly hungry world of the 21st century: a vertical farm that will do for agriculture what the skyscraper did for office space. Greenhouse giant: By stacking floors full of produce, a vertical farm could rake in $18 million a year. This concept will save on transportation costs will absorb and reduce some of the pollution. As we all see, today’s natural disasters and conflicts affect the costs of energy and the supply of goods needed to complete production for various industries.
“Energy is vital to every sector of the U.S. economy. As our economy and population grows the demand for energy rises”.
I believe what America needs are cool headed government leaders who understand how markets function and can work with consumers, labor and oil industry leaders to develop a viable energy strategy that will help and not hinder as our nation transitions to our new energy reality.
For German Homeowners Renewable Energy is No Longer a Choice
All new homes built in Germany from January 1st 2009 will be required to install renewable energy heating systems under a new law called the Renewable Energies Heating Law
"To succeed, you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality."

YJ Draiman, Energy/Utility Auditor/Consultant

Northridge, CA. 91324
March 31, 2011

P.S. I have a very deep belief in America's capabilities. Within the next 10 years we can accomplish our energy independence, if we as a nation truly set our goals to accomplish this.

I happen to believe that we can do it. In another crisis--the one in 1942--President Franklin D. Roosevelt said this country would build 60,000 [50,000] military aircraft. By 1943, production in that program had reached 125,000 aircraft annually. They did it then. We can do it now.

1 comment:

YJay Draiman said...

Do we need an ethical bailout to go along with the financial one?

Let us discuss the need for honesty and integrity as the basic principle of leadership. Defines quality leadership as a process beyond technical competence. Successful leaders continually demonstrate honesty and integrity as an essential element of their professional fabric; a lack of commitment to the principle renders all other skills meaningless. Depicts honesty and integrity as essential elements of human behavior that promote and support quality relationships. Defines honesty and integrity in the context of building trust and maintaining credibility. Provides a sound philosophy that increases the probability for long-term success and professional fulfillment.
The matter raised "legitimate and genuine concerns", adding: "My concern ... is that without integrity and legitimacy and honesty, and then Government cannot function. This must now be settled, otherwise it saps at the very heart of what is the highest office – and the highest office-holder."
Is honesty for suckers?
— A worldwide recession sets in when it turns out that a vast subprime mortgage system was built on a foundation of fraud.
— Government officials are convicted of fraud and misappropriation of funds and backdoor deals.
— Cheating is rampant in high schools and colleges.

— And in sports? The same deal. Doping scandals, cheating, chemical and otherwise, pervades football, baseball and other sports.
— Wall Street is being manipulated by corporate America bilking investors out of billions of dollars.

If so many people are cheating, how can honest people play by the rules and not be at a disadvantage — in school, at work, in sports, in business?
Do we need an ethical bailout to go along with the financial one?
Are you a chump if you play by the rules?
Compiled by: YJ Draiman for Mayor of Los Angeles