Friday, April 29, 2011

Confidence Building Techniques

Confidence Building Techniques

Confidence building techniques are often overlooked, even though they can be vital to helping someone overcome confidence issues. Confidence problems can stem from many different places but a lot of them seem to be self-imposed judgments that lack any real substance.

The first thing a person needs to do to build confidence is recognize faults and insecurities, then accept them. Nobody is perfect and we all have faults. It is important to realize this and not let it affect how you look at yourself overall. Something as simple as calling them "quirks" instead of "faults" can help you to look at them as part of who you are, not what you are. If you have trouble getting past your problems, try to look at your successes instead.

Focusing on your successes in life can help you to move past insecurities. Look back at the past and the things you have accomplished. Don't take your accomplishments lightly, you did it and that is something to be proud of. It is easy to write off your past accomplishments but don't let yourself.

If someone gives you a compliment accept it. Assume that they mean it wholeheartedly or they wouldn't be saying it. Saying things like "Yeah right" will only alienate them and make them withhold compliments in the future. Let the compliments build up your confidence and thank them graciously.

Try new things and work on talents you have already developed. If you can improve your skills then it is likely to help build your confidence. Trying new things will help you to find new hobbies and perhaps something you are extraordinary at; you never know until you try it!

If all else fails you can pretend to be confident. This may sound silly, but if you pretend long enough you may convince yourself that it is the truth. Act as if you are the most confident person you can be, and see what happens; you may be pleasantly surprised. Positive thinking is an extremely effective way of building your self-confidence as well.

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